Monday, January 15, 2024


This is coolbert:

I'm looking right you comrade!!

 "Smersh: Why Putin has resurrected Stalin’s feared anti-spy unit"

"Revival of WWII-era ‘death to spies’ counterintelligence agency signals rising clampdown on all forms of dissent in wartime Russia"


"A man under arrest by Russian internal security forces was seen confessing to a 'crime', in video posted on January 2. He had been apprehended after allegedly posting a video on social media that purportedly showed air defenses near the Russian city of Belgorod. This city, on the border with Ukraine, was the target of Ukrainian missile attacks on the same day. What was notable, though, about this confessional was that the man was flanked by two internal security officers who had the word Smersh emblazoned on the backs of their jackets."

SMERSH strictly a wartime provision. Red army in 1941, Russian army in 2023. Counter-intelligence the goal of wishes to capture partisans, spies, saboteurs and any other persons of obvious negative attitude toward the Russian in territories occupied by the Russian army special military operation SMO.

Person who’s attitude toward a special military operation the Ukraine Conflict less on satisfactory. Will also be taking to task those persons recalcitrant and not willing to go with the program according to standards of the Russian army.

Rebellious, defiant, stubborn, intractable, obstreperous, willful, wayward, disobedient, insubordinate, unruly, balky, contrary.

NEED I repeat? Beware comrade! I am looking right at you!


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