Monday, January 22, 2024


This is coolbert: 


At least it was classified in 1958. Now declassified and placed on the Internet for all to see.

WHACKY idea of the American Central Intelligence Agency. Create a terrorizing  psychological weapon based upon the Jericho trumpets as had been employed on the Ju-87 German Stuka dive bomber WWII.

"whacky: adjective - as in bizarre, different from the ordinary in a way that causes curiosity or suspicion"

"How the CIA Worked With a Nazi Scientist to Develop a Cold War Sonic Weapon of Pure Terror"

From | Military Watch Magazine Editorial Staff  October-5th-2021.

"The Stuka [Ju-87] was a [German WW2] close air support asset. It would be used to attack enemy ground forces directly. The sound of dozens of those sirens would be pretty terrifying. So if you make your enemy duck, your forces can move more freely. You might even harm their moral enough to make them break their line, or cease advancing, when they have an otherwise significant advantage."

Looney, whacko, loony, cuckoo, nutty, eccentric, strange, barmy, nutty.

Regarding the Jericho trumpets mounted on the landing gear of the Ju-87 Stuka read further:

"Upon the leading edges of its faired main gear legs were mounted ram-air sirens known as Jericho trumpets, which became a propaganda symbol of German air power and of the so-called Blitzkrieg victories of 1939–1942, as well as providing Stuka pilots with audible feedback as to speed"

Project as described again whacky and forlorn, never came to fruition, and we can very well be glad that it didn’t. Read the eight page document as describing the entire proposal from the CIA declassified reading room. Very interesting reading.

"Mental is to the physical as three is to one"?


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