Wednesday, January 10, 2024


This is coolbert:

First the Ukraine Conflict and now the Gaza War creating a worldwide ammunition shortage which cannot be easily remedied. As to why this is an explanation that that can be fully understood by expert in layman alike listen to this podcast.

"Where Have All The Bullets Gone? - 11/17/2023 You Tube Jim and Austin examine worldwide munition supplies and the effect the Ukraine and Israeli-Hamas wars have on them."

From  | StrategyTalk | iTunes Podcast. 

Listen to the podcast and interview with Jim and Austin. Thanks to the Internet website Strategy Page.

For the curriculum vitae [CV] of Jim and Austin see:

"James F. Dunnigan (born August 8, 1943) is an author, military-political analyst, Defense and State Department consultant, and wargame designer currently living in New York City."

"Austin Bay’s resume is manifold: Author and syndicated columnist, professor, developmental aid advocate, radio commentator, retired reserve soldier, war game designer, consultant in organizational planning and training simulations."

Situation if and when it can be remedied, going to be a long-term effort and going to be very costly! Hey, no one ever said war is going to be easy!


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