Wednesday, January 3, 2024


This is coolbert:

The fearsome and unstoppable Russian hypersonic missile, not so unstoppable. American Patriot SAM able to counter Khinzal. At least in the hands of Ukrainian AD missile men it is.

"Feared Russian hypersonic missile shot down over Kyiv"

From The Telegraph via Yahoo ^ | January 2nd, 2024 | Timothy Sigsworth.

"The US-supplied Patriot air defense system shot down a ‘record’ ten hypersonic missiles fired at Ukraine from Russia on Tuesday morning. Kinzhal hypersonic missiles are part of an arsenal of weapons Vladimir Putin claimed were indestructible because of the speed at which they travel. Kyiv earlier said that Russia fired 99 missiles of different types at Ukraine in its large-scale attack on Tuesday morning, and that its air force shot down 72 of them"

See previous blog entry, the ability of Ukrainian missile men to shoot down the Russian Khinzal hypersonic missile using American Patriot SAM to do so. Something which was previously thought to be impossible is no impossible:


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