Tuesday, January 9, 2024


This is coolbert:

North Korea, the Gaza War? North Korea, DPRK, the Gaza war?

War munitions North Korea DPRK as obtaining and being used by Hamas fighters?

"Hamas using North Korean weapons – Seoul"

From https://www.rt.com/news/

"South Korean intelligence agents claim the Palestinian militants have sourced rocket-propelled grenades from Pyongyang"

"Hamas using North Korean weapons – Seoul"

"South Korean [ROK] spies have accused North Korea [DPRK] of providing weapons to Hamas, but claim that supporting evidence is 'difficult to provide.' The US has made similar accusations before, which Pyongyang denies."

"Seoul's main spy agency, the National Intelligence Service (NIS), released a photograph on Monday of a North Korean F-7 rocket-propelled grenade, purportedly used by Hamas in its war against Israel. The agency also claimed that a picture of an F-7 rocket shared last week by US state news outlet Voice of America was genuine."

This F7, RPG, rocket propelled grenade, does not seem to be the same as the Yasin Hamas rocket propelled grenade knock-off. Nonetheless, the F-7 weapon is of North Korean origin. North Korea is often described as being one of the axis of evil  an immoral purveyor of weapons for the entire world. Yes, indeed it is so!

See various entries, the F7 and Yassin RPG rocket propelled grenade:


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