Tuesday, January 23, 2024


This is coolbert. 

See prior blog entry cemeteries of Gaza a victim of the Gaza War.

Cemeteries being desecrated by Israeli troops? Bodies removed from an entire area torn apart by bulldozers or so it seems. Not just one or two cemeteries more than a dozen?

Bodies when exposed in exhumed, then carried away by the Israeli for purposes unknown!

"Israeli military bulldozes [D9] 16 cemeteries in Gaza: Report"

From https://www.aa.com.tr | Zeynep Katre Oran  |22.01.2024.

"Army confirms to Anadolu that they opened some graves to extract bodies"

"The Israeli military has destroyed at least 16 cemeteries in Gaza, US news agency CNN reported over the weekend, citing satellite imagery and social media footage."

"The army demolished the graveyards during its ground operation using bulldozers and even extracted some bodies from graves, it said."

I think I fully understand what is occurring here. The Israeli army is digging up the cemeteries and looking for Israeli hostages as having perished while in Hamas captivity. Remains of dead Israeli hostages being buried by Hamas in secret locations to be used as bargaining chips during negotiations if in any eventuality the process occurs.

It is not so much that I don’t believe such things it is more like I don’t want to believe such things.


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