Thursday, January 25, 2024

Cargo II.

This is coolbert:

Herewith an extract, a paragraph from a very recent Strategy Page Internet website article with my commentary!

"Attrition: Russian Casualties Keep Increasing"

"Russia lost more troops in less than a year of fighting in Ukraine than they did during eight years of fighting in Afghanistan during the 1980s."

According to the figures of the American general William Odom, the Red Army in Afghanistan suffered about 20,000 casualties of which about 5,000 were battlefield fatalities, killed-in-action.

The Red Army additionally in Afghanistan had about 300,000 non-battlefield casualties, probably hepatitis from drinking bad water.

Consider that is generally accepted [?] that the Russian army during the Ukraine Conflict in two years of sustained action has had about 500,000 casualties of which about 100,000 are battlefield fatalities.

By my reckoning that means that mortal combat the Ukraine conflict is about 80 times more intense than the experience of the Red Army in Afghanistan. That is very significant without question. That assumes that 500,000 figure is more or less ball park close to being accurate.

Hey, nobody ever said war is going to be easy did they!


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