Saturday, January 20, 2024

332 BCE.

This is coolbert:

BCE = Before Common Era.

Gaza means strong. Referring to the battlements and fortifications Gaza city.

"As it was in the beginning, as it is now, as it always will be world without end. Amen."

The people of Gaza, during mortal armed conflict recalcitrant, fighting to the very end, even to their  extreme detriment.

The people of Gaza stubborn and intractable in accord to their ancient tradition.

As it was in the days of Alexander the Great. King of Macedon.

"Siege of Gaza" [332 BCE]

The inhabitants of Gaza, even when faced with a situation that was bleak, dire, hopeless continuing to fight in a manner that was defiant.

Alexander, the Great of Macedon seeking to secure his sea-borne lines of communication with Greece and Macedon besieging the city of Gaza 332 BCE.

"The siege of Gaza, as part of the Wars of Alexander the Great, took place in October of 332 BCE. Resulting in a victory for Macedon, it ended the 31st Dynasty of Egypt, which functioned as a satrapy under the Achaemenid Persian Empire."

"Alexander succeeded in [b]reaching the walls of Gaza by utilizing the engines that he had employed earlier that year, during the siege of Tyre. Following three unsuccessful assaults, the Macedonian army was able to storm and take the Gazan stronghold.:

The fate of Batis, the commander of the Gaza garrison most terrible. Put to death and dragged through streets of Gaza behind the chariot as was Héctor at Troy.

The entire population of Gaza surviving the siege subjected to as cruel a punishment possible. All the men executed, the women and children sold into slavery. Gaza totally depopulated!

That is how things were done back in those days!


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