Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Zavadsky II.

This is coolbert:

That most recent death of the Russian General Zavadsky not from stepping on a land mine but KIA while riding in a vehicle that ran over a land mine!

Zavadsky having been the Deputy Commander of Russian troops the Kola Peninsula, the Russian Far North.

"Deputy Commander of Russian Arctic brigades is killed in Ukraine"

"General Aleksandr Zavadsky commanded infantry brigades from the Kola Peninsula. He was killed as his car ran over a mine in the occupied Kharkiv region."

From https://thebarentsobserver.com | the story by Atle Staalesen | November 30, 2023.

 "The 45-year old general was the second highest ranked leader of the 14th Army Corps and was in charge of several of the most powerful military units in the Kola Peninsula."

"He is reported to have been killed by a mine on the 28th of November near Izyum in occupied parts of Kharkiv region. The death of the high-ranked military man is reported by various both Russian and Ukrainian sources, but has not yet been officially confirmed by the Russian Armed Forces.

"Zavadsky was born in 1978. He took on the position in the Kola Peninsula in 2021. Before that, he commanded the Kantemirov Tank Division, website Topwar informs"


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