Monday, December 25, 2023

TF 153 Minus.

This is coolbert:

Already Task Force 153 begins to fall apart. Almost before has even begun. Participants are leaving. This is not a good sign people. This is a very bad sign. Commercial shipping through the Red Sea/Aden to-and-fro and greatly imperiled will now refuse the route! Bad very bad.

1. "Australia Offers 11 Military Personnel but No Warship to Help Protect Red Sea"

From | Simon Kent | 22 Dec. 23.

Military personnel only but no war ships that has been decided by the Australian government, a pledged contributor to Prosperity Guardian.

"A vital U.S.-led mission to protect cargo shipping in the Red Sea has been met with offers of warships and aircraft from across the international community desperate to work together to keep the key trade artery free of terrorist interference."

"Australia’s left-wing Labor government announced Wednesday it will reject the direct request from its key U.S. ally for naval forces."

"Instead it is sending 11 land-based military personnel sometime in the New Year."

It is not even certain if these are naval or ground forces personnel. At least the Canadians pledged about a dozen or so naval staff officers. Canada additionally, no war ships to be sent.

2. "US Red Sea Operation Is Imploding As Attacks Spread to India"

From | By M Dowling -December 23, 2023.

"Houthi attacks have spread to India, and the coalition to protect commerce is imploding. This is a very dangerous world with a weak United States."

That is the rub as I see it. America is now seen in the world as a vacillating world power. The USA encourages everybody to join the fight, but then without any warning will one day to just pull up stakes and leave everybody in the lurch as it was done in Afghanistan. Demonstrable weakness has been shown and is properly perceived by the rest of the world. This cannot be good!

"Operation Prosperity Guardian in the Red Sea has practically Collapsed as France, Spain, and Italy have all announced their Withdrawal [sic]  from the U.S. Command Structure for the Operation, with the Three Nations stating they will only conduct further Maritime Operations under the Command of NATO and/or the European Union and not the United States."

Other nations of Prosperity Guardian as pledged will participate in the multinational force, but not under direct USA naval command. This too is it an instantaneous and dangerous sign as was acknowledged by President Eisenhower a long time ago. Coalition forces rarely fight well. Each participant has their own agenda and rarely, if ever make for a credible and unified military force.


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