Monday, December 25, 2023

Shin Bet.

This is coolbert:

Top Hamas kingpin gone!

As the Israeli has promised, in this case, he is really has delivered

Death of the senior leader ship of a mass marked men and marked for death

Go see the embedded video:

"WATCH: IDF, Shin Bet assassinate key Hamas weapons smuggler, Hassan Atrash, in Rafah"

"The IDF has been focused on taking out key players in Hamas during the war, often launching targeted attacks on them."


"The assassination by fighter jet of Hassan Atresh, responsible for the trade, production and equipping of the military arm of Hamas, December 23, 2023."

"The assassination took place in the Rafah area in southern Gaza."

"Atrash was responsible for the trade, production, and equipping of the military arm of Hamas. He also took part in the smuggling of weapons from various countries into the Gaza Strip and the West Bank."

Shin Bet normally described as is Israeli internal-security counter-intelligence, but much more than that. They provided the information for the assassination but the actual dropping on the bomb was done by the Israeli Air Force.


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