Friday, December 8, 2023


This is coolbert:

Jonathan Livingston Seagull this is not!

Ukrainian partisans continue the work. We must not forget the Ukraine Conflict continues.

″Jonathan transcends into a reality, which he assumes is heaven″

Transcend reality in a manner of speaking yes!

"Dozens of Russian Soldiers Killed After Drinking Poisoned Vodka"

From Newsweek ^ | December 4, 2023 | Aila Slisco | the tip from Freeper.

"Two dozen Russian soldiers have allegedly been killed by a Ukrainian partisan group who claimed it offered them poisoned vodka and other food items in occupied Crimea. A partisan group calling itself the 'Crimea Combat Seagulls' said in a post to Telegram over the weekend that it had killed 24 Russian soldiers and hospitalized 11 others after giving them the poisoned food and drinks in Simferopol"

Poisoning the adversary and killing in this manner is a grave violation of the Laws of Land Warfare? I have consulted with authority on this manner. 

P.S. Per the response of an acknowledged authority in such matters. Poisoning the food and water of an enemy a violation of the Rules of Land Warfare:

"I've [acknowledged authority] always thought it was a major violation of the Rules of Land Warfare, but I cannot cite any law or treaty that says so . . . No one using poison in food or drink during wartime to my knowledge has been prosecuted in the 20th Century for its use."


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