Wednesday, December 20, 2023


This is coolbert:

"3 hostages mistakenly killed by Israeli troops were holding white flag, official says"

"'The shooting at the hostages was done in violation of the IDF rules of engagement,'  'It is not allowed to shoot at a person who is holding a white flag and wants to surrender. But this shooting was conducted under stress and on a battlefield,'" 

 From | Barak Ravid | Dec 16, 2023.

"The three Israeli hostages who were mistakenly killed by Israeli troops were holding a stick with a white piece of cloth and shouted 'help' in Hebrew before being shot, Israeli Defense Forces officials said on Saturday."

Obviously, this is a is a battlefield stress induced incident what they called it heat of battle action. Adrenaline is flowing, and it’s difficult to turn it off these men were bare chested, and were waving a white flag. But that is why they call the battlefield stress. 

BUT was not intentional or malicious.


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