Sunday, December 10, 2023


This is coolbert:

Everything going according to plan? I reserve unto myself a marked degree of skepticism!

I present this blog entry without any commentary on my part. Let the devoted reader to the blog make their own judgment yea or nay!

"Top Defense Official: US Can Handle Middle East, Russia & China Operations All At Once"

From |  the article BY TYLER DURDEN | DEC 10, 2023.

"It might be difficult for most any American, especially in the younger generation, to remember a time when America was not deeply involved in a raging foreign conflict - whether directly or via proxies. At this very moment the US is shipping heavy weapons and sinking billions in aid into to no less than two major wars which have the potential to erupt into broader regional or even world conflagrations involving clashing large powers: namely, the Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Gaza conflicts."

"While much of the public might rightly think the United States has once again overextended itself, one top defense official has shrugged it off and essentially said... no problem. At an Atlantic Council event held days ago Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Christopher Grady said that the Pentagon stands ready to handle missions connected to three potential proxy wars in defense if its interests if it comes to that."

And thank you Admiral Grady? For the stern visage if nothing else! Question mark! Question Mark and the Mysterians.


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