Saturday, December 30, 2023


This is coolbert:

"'This is something that happens in combat zones, not just in Gaza,' . . . 'Medical literature reports that it also happened in the wars of American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. War injuries are very complex, and when it comes to a non-sterile environment like a battlefield, it can be dangerous.'" - Dr. Bibiana Hazan.

Battlefields during the time of war generally are dangerous places. I think we can all agree about that.

From Ynetnews |  12/28/23.

"Infectious diseases expert says war injuries are very complex, and when it comes to a non-sterile environment like a battlefield, these diseases can be dangerous; in Gazan refugee centers '400 people share one toilet'"

"The rate of disease infections spreading among the population in the Gaza Strip is rising, with local doctors reporting a lack of means to monitor the situation before it deteriorates. The World Health Organization's emergency director in the Middle East, Rick Brennan, warns that epidemics could break out in Gaza 'very rapidly' in the absence of early detection measures."

"In recent days, Israel has expressed concerns that IDF soldiers might be exposed to dangerous infections, fungi and molds growing in the Gaza soil contaminated from sewage leaks. This week, it was reported that a soldier died of a fungus he contracted in Gaza. The soldier lost both legs due to the injury, and the wound likely was exposed to the contaminated ground at that time."

I have often remarked to myself about those enormous clouds of dust thrown into the atmosphere by these various bombs detonating Gaza. Huge amounts of pulverized debris including building material for high-story apartment buildings being sent into the air for people to breathe cannot be anything but harmful. Without protective apparatus expect lots of damage to the lungs and eyes. Fungus and other injurious bacteria of a pathogenic nature released from the ground by bombing also potentially constitutes a lethal risk.


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