Saturday, December 23, 2023


This is coolbert:

Should we consider this to be an atrocity or rather a ruse of war?

"Hamas rigs children's backpacks, dolls, in ambush on IDF forces in Gaza"

"The explosive-laden children's items contained speakers that played crying noises in an attempt to lure in and kill soldiers, the IDF reported."


"The IDF located and exposed a Hamas terrorist ambush at the entrance to a tunnel shaft, using dolls and children's backpacks in an attempt to lure soldiers in hopes of finding hostages, the Israeli military said Friday."

"The items, which contained speakers playing crying sounds, were placed near a tunnel shaft which connects to a large network of tunnels that extends over a school and a medical facility in the Gaza Strip, the IDF said."

Israeli troops hearing the sound of a crying child will think this is a hostage of Hamas and will rush into an ambush for which they will not be prepared. Nor will they survive. They have no means of egress when they are in one of those tunnels.

Again, I ask you is this an atrocity or a ruse of war?


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