Friday, December 8, 2023


This is coolbert:

“The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions, to see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms.” - Genghis Khan.

"Hamas raped men as well as women during October 7 attack: Investigators reveal how sex assault victims were tied up, stripped and mutilated as Israel launches its 'biggest ever criminal investigation'"

"Advocacy group said sexual violence was perpetrated against both sexes"

From | the article by SUMMER GOODKIND and DAVID AVERRE | 4 December 2023.

"Israeli investigators probing the fallout of the brutal October 7 attacks have found evidence that men as well as women suffered sexual violence and rape at the hands of Hamas and Islamic Jihad attackers, activists have claimed"

MEN as well as WOMEN both victims of Hamas "outrage' during the attack 7 October?

Understand rape not totally an indication of SEXUAL lust? Rather consider so as a demonstration of power and DOMINANCE over the victim. 

Those rapes of men and women both occurring the vicinity of the rave party? Matter has become a police matter for investigation. 

Police forensics of the crime scene might well produce DNA from the perpetrators. WOE to any captured Hamas fighter their DNA found at the scene of the crime well demonstrating their culpability and guilt!

I also stand correction with an erroneous assertion that I have made in some previous blog entries.

Systematic and institutionalized rape by British officers by Turkish troops the Ottoman Army WW1 apparently did not occur! I openly admit I am wrong and unashamedly confess so!


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