Tuesday, December 12, 2023


This is coolbert"

"Lieutenant Colonel Hsieh was asked to fly the helicopter at low altitude along the coastline to the Chinese Communist carrier which would be staging drills close to the waters 24 nautical miles [44km] off [Taiwan]."


"Chinese Spies Offer Pilot $15 Million To Steal US-Made Chinook Helicopter And Land On PLA Carrier"

 From https://www.zerohedge.com  | article by TYLER DURDEN | DEC 12, 2023. 

"Chinese intelligence officials offered a Taiwanese army pilot millions of [USD] dollars to steal a US-made transport helicopter and land on a Chinese aircraft carrier." 

"The South China Morning Post reported Lieutenant Colonel 'Hsieh' was offered $15 million by Chinese spies to steal a Boeing CH-47 Chinook and land on a People's Liberation Army Navy aircraft carrier during a military drill near the self-ruled island."

"The plan to steal the Chinook came to an abrupt end when Taiwanese authorities arrested Hsieh in August for allegedly spying for Beijing." 

Photo op with images very favorable to the Red Chinese. But theft thwarted mid-stream. That amount of money too quite a princely sum well beyond normal! Big poke in the eye to the disadvantage the Taiwanese obvious the intent!

"A photo op (sometimes written as photo opp), short for photograph opportunity (or photo opportunity), is an arranged opportunity to take a photograph of a politician, a celebrity, or an event."


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