Saturday, December 30, 2023


This is coolbert:

"was not 'widely distributed'"

Was not widely distributed the announcement of the policy and I can fully 100% understand why that is so.

From | OLIVIA RONDEAU | 28 Dec 2023.

"Deployed U.S. Army soldiers will no longer be able to store their belongings free of charge while they are away from home, the Army Sustainment Command announced Wednesday."

"A spokesman for the command, which is the primary provider of logistics support to Army units, told that it was discontinuing the use of funds to store soldiers’ vehicles and other goods while they are away for prolonged periods of time."

"It was not specified whether the announcement applies to all deployment types or just to soldiers on temporary duty."

"The storage policy ended in October, but the order was not 'widely distributed' to soldiers or the press, the outlet reported."

This change in policy is going to create a lot of hackles in some quarters especially among the long-time professional serving military men. Those of career status 20 years or more.

Repeated if not continual overseas deployments of the professional, long time serving military men USA is now going to become problematic what was previously a given and FREE no longer will be not be so.

More than anything else this will be seeing some sort of underhanded effort that the brass and top officials in the Pentagon knew was not going to go over well.

Poor form, very poor form.


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