Friday, November 3, 2023


This is coolbert:

Tunnel warfare Gaza. The Israeli dilemma.

From India Today and thanks to same.

See the You Tube video:

"Below the Gaza Strip, there seems to be another city that evades the eye. A network of 1,300 tunnels, stretching around 500 kilometers [about 300 miles]. Though they are generally up to 30 meters [90 feet] deep, the tunnels could at times go as deep as 70 meters [210 feet]. Some parts of the tunnels are reinforced by concrete to withstand Israeli bombing and also have electricity. These tunnels are now the biggest threat the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) faces as it waits for a nod to conduct what could be the most massive ground offensive in Gaza after the October 7 Hamas attacks in which hundreds of people were butchered."


* My thought [now it seems erroneous] was that there was HIDDEN hand with all this tunnel digging. North Koreans were in the background the complex of underground passages so massive and well constructed. Apparently I am wrong! Hamas has been tunneling for decades and are now MASTERS of such warfare. Even set the standard by which everyone else should be judged.

* American bunker-buster bombs are effective against such deep and even concrete-reinforced tunnels? If indeed such munitions have already been given to the Israeli.


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