Thursday, November 23, 2023

Type 071.

This is coolbert:

The latest from our good friend Hal Turner.

"China's Most Advanced Warship ABLAZE"

From |  WORLD   |   HAL TURNER  |  21 NOVEMBER 2023.

"China's Most Advanced Warship ABLAZE"

"China's People's Liberation Army - Navy ship 'Longushan' is reportedly ablaze just off the coast of China tonight.   The vessel is reported to be 'China's most advanced warship.'"

"No OFFICIAL word on what caused the fire.  (There ARE rumors . . . .)"

"All mention of this is being rapidly scrubbed from China social media networks, and no official information is coming out of Beijing."

"The vessel bears Hull Number 980 and is described as a Type 071 landing ship."

Can't be now like in was in the days of the old Soviet Union. During the time of the Soviets planes never fell out of the skies, trains never ran into one another, ships never sank. Hard to hid such disaster now.



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