Friday, November 24, 2023


This is coolbert:

First swap of hostages/prisoners complete, the Gaza War.

"13 Israeli Hostages, 12 Thai Nationals Freed As Gaza Sees First Day Without Fighting In Seven Weeks"

From | article by TYLER DURDEN  | NOV 24, 2023.

"After going into effect Friday morning, the temporary truce between Israel and Hamas has held throughout the day, leading to the release of 25 total hostages from Hamas captivity."

"Among the 25 are 12 Thai hostages and 13 Israeli hostages. They were handed over to the Red Cross where they were taken into Egypt and are en route to Israel. A Hamas source has been quoted as saying"

Thai nationals presumably contract agricultural workers being taken hostage by Hamas almost half of those release! Does it surprise anyone to find Thai nationals living and working in Israel?

Delivery of critical humanitarian aid of a basic and very essential nature for the residents of Gaza also done as part of the hostage/prisoner exchange?


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