Wednesday, November 15, 2023


This is coolbert:

I doubt this is going to fly.

Even if the new policy does increase the number of recruits, that number going to be a mere tiny fraction of the entire force.

"Air Force Raises Age Limit for Recruits to 42"

From ^ | Oct. 27, 2023 | By David Roza. Thanks to Freeper for the tip.

"The Department of the Air Force expects to add about 50 more recruits per year after lifting its maximum age limit for initial accession from 39 years old to 42 on Oct. 24, the latest in a long series of efforts to expand the talent pool in the midst of an ongoing recruiting shortage."

Maximum age for initial enlistment the U.S. Army age 32. War is a "game" for young men. The physical effort too great for older men and additionally young men having far few attachments such as a wife and children.

This is U.S. Air force so I can assume we are speaking of potential recruits that have certain HIGHLY DESIRABLE technical skills of an extremely arcane and esoteric nature. 

By CURRENT standards enlisted personnel the USA military the mandatory retirement age is 62 years. A 42 year-old man or woman their initial enlistment will be at that absolute maximum age to serve the twenty years to receive a full pension.


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