Wednesday, November 1, 2023


This is coolbert: 

Measure, metrics, yardstick, goals. What are your goals?

Two-thirds of the Hamas tunnel complexes first. Then the bombing will cease. That not precluding a massive Israeli ground assault.

"Seymour Hersh: Israel Won't Stop Bombing Gaza Until It Destroys 65% of Hamas Tunnels"


"Israel's military has declared its determination to increase and magnify its series of offensives in Gaza, while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dismissed mounting international demands for a halt to the conflict."

"The Israel Defense Forces's all-out war against the Palestinian militant group Hamas includes underground warfare that aims to destroy 'a labyrinth of tunnels under Gaza,' US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh wrote in an article on Substack."

To what extent the current bombardment of Gaza includes American bunker-buster bombs of the BLU type I cannot say. Bunker-busters of the BLU-109 Penetrator/BLU-116 Advanced Unitary Penetrator (AUP)/BLU-118/B Thermobaric Warhead/BLU-113 Super Penetrator type.

Surely too we can appreciate that the Israeli has considered and studied [in 2009] bunker buster bombs as a solution to the Hamas tunnel complex problem!

At that time the suggested quick-fix was the GBU-28 bomb with both PAVEWAY [laser] and JADAM guidance. We are beyond such technology now!

The labyrinth shall be conquered? The minotaur slain? Time will only tell.


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