Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Agitprop II.

This is coolbert:

"the agitator, whose primary medium is speech, seizes on the emotional aspects of these issues to arouse his audience to indignation or action"

Strong beating up the weak! Israel versus Hamas. See previous blog entry the contrast of the opposing forces with regard to military strength most obvious.

Think that the war will be won on the evening news television broadcasts and the Internet monitors of the world?

That image the strong [USA & Israel] beating up the weak [Gaza]. Little if any commentary on my part needed. See these You Tube Shorts:

These video can be correctly categorized as Agitprop. Agitation and propaganda of a simple and basic idea quite effective and geared for the common masses, easy to understand, hopefully arousing an intense response of a charged nature. The Israeli bully mistreating the Palestinian, aided and abetted by the USA.

Consider that the perception of reality even more important than reality itself!


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