Sunday, October 15, 2023


This is coolbert:

"But whether the [Israeli] armed forces were careless with their secrets or infiltrated by spies, the revelations have already unnerved officials and analysts who have questioned how the Israeli military — renowned for its intelligence gathering — could have inadvertently revealed so much information about its own operations."

Hamas good! Too good! Look for the hidden hand! Good in the sense meticulous planning and put into an effect a plan!

"The Secrets Hamas Knew About Israel’s Military"

 From | October 13, 2023.

"The 10 gunmen from Gaza knew exactly how to find the Israeli intelligence hub — and how to get inside."

Devoted readers to the blog strongly encouraged to read the entire article for themselves.

Information as to the Israeli intelligence hub [other border defenses too between Gaza and the Israeli border] so accurate as to be obtained more than likely from espionage and treason at a high level.

That hidden hand Iran the obvious culprit. Consider just a single case of this man quite willing by compromise to spy on his nation and people. Other besides this Gonen undoubtedly exist.


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