Monday, October 23, 2023


This is coolbert:

Dangerous? Golly? Why would anyone ever think such a thing?

"'Israel to be classified as dangerous': Tourism industry embraces for tough recovery"

"With the war in full swing, tourism comes to a complete halt and the immense damage is already becoming apparent; The biggest concern is that travel agents abroad will refrain from returning Israel to their vacation packages"

From | the article by ‏‎Iris Lifshitz Klieger‎ | 10.l20.23.

"As the second week of the war unfolded, it became increasingly evident that the impact on incoming and outgoing tourism would be particularly challenging. Once again, echoing the days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the term 'unpaid leave' is heard everywhere. Most of the flights arriving at Ben Gurion Airport are for Israelis returning home, while other families with children are choosing to stay abroad during the war."

About 4 % of Israeli employment dependent on tourism. 


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