Monday, October 16, 2023


This is coolbert:

RCWS Gaza. Remote Controlled Weapon Station.

"Connected via fiber optics to a remote operator station and a command-and-control center, each machine gun-mounted station serves as a type of robotic sniper, capable of enforcing a nearly 1,500-meter-deep no-go zone.

The IDF’s [Israeli Defense Forces] Southern Command is also considering adding Gill/Spike anti-tank missiles to extend the no-go zones to several kilometers, defense and industry sources here said."

"Robo-Snipers, 'Auto Kill Zones' to Protect Israeli Borders"

From | article by Noah Shachtman | Jun 4, 2007. The tip from Allison.

"For years and years, the Israeli military has been trying to figure out a way to keep Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip from crossing over into Israel proper. The latest tactic: create a set of 'automated kill zones' by networking together remote-controlled machine guns, ground sensors, and drones along the 60-kilometer [about thirty-six miles] border."

"Defense News' Barbara Opall-Rome reports that 'initial deployment plans for the See-Shoot system call for mounting a 0.5-caliber [12.7 mm] automated machine gun in each of several pillboxes interspersed along the Gaza border fence'"

See at the wiki a description of the Israeli Samson Remote Controlled Weapon Station as probably to be found on the border between Gaza and Israel.

As described operator remote, not co-located with the weapon. Fiber-optic data link between weapon and operator severed during the initial attack by Hamas?

Hamas did have good intelligence as to Israeli weakness. Too much reliance on machines rather than men?


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