Saturday, October 21, 2023


This is coolbert:

Read this discussion of urban warfare combat both ancient and recent.

As so very pertinent to the forthcoming invasion of Gaza City by massed Israeli ground forces.

From reddit r/WarCollege and thanks to same.

"Credible military history and science."

"Alesia or Fallujah? - How best to take down a modern fortified, built-up area."

"The two battles took place millennia apart, but they both solved the same problem, but in different ways. At Alesia, Caesar had the main enemy force surrounded in a large hilltop fort but was fighting against the arrival of a relieving army. In Fallujah, the enemy had dug themselves in and shaped the environment to make reduction of their strongpoints expensive."

Perhaps rather than Alesia and Fallujah as to methods/techniques/tactics of urban warfare and the tremendous difficulties as encountered see both these You Tube video documentaries:

"ABS-CBN News Special: 'Di Ka Pasisiil | Marawi Documentary"

Siege of Merawi, the Philippines 2017.

"Mosul (full documentary) | FRONTLINE"

Siege of Mosul, Iraq 2016.

Urban warfare the force that prevails after quite often a prolonged and protracted battle almost always in the matter of course having only a ruined and totally uninhabitable landscape remaining. Often the cost much greater than the gain!

Massive firepower the Israeli able to muster against Hamas undeniable! That Israeli dilemma how to eliminate Hamas as a dangerous entity without obliterating Gaza City.


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