Monday, October 23, 2023


This is coolbert:

More than anything else the Russian will find this to be quite amusing. Personally I find it to be amusing also!

"EU state wants to deprive Russians of needles – media"

"The items could be included in the bloc's 12th package of sanctions"

From |  21 Oct, 2023. Russian controlled Internet media.

"Lithuania has suggested including exports of buttons, nails, and sewing appliances in a 12th round of sanctions on Russia, EU observer reported on Friday."

Twelfth round of sanctions. Nothing yet has even amounted to anything other than a minor bite to the Russian?

"According to the proposal, prohibiting the items is intended to 'degrade Russian industrial capacities.' The list, among other things, is also said to include non-electric radiators for central heating and spare parts for them."

Consider this as part of a much larger whole, NATO combined resolve and determination with regard to the Ukraine Conflict lacking. Collective response tepid at best.

One can always reason that needles needed to sew buttons on trousers is a vital necessity during a time of war. Soldiers need buttons to hold their pants up!


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