Wednesday, October 11, 2023


This is coolbert:

Lots of things occurring in the world that have a military dimension in addition to the war between Hamas in Israel. Here begins a series of blog entries that can have matters of concern beyond Israel and Hamas.

More classified information as compromised by President Trump? Once again the topic of classified documents.

"Trump accused of leaking submarine secrets – media”

“The former US president reportedly discussed sensitive information with an Australian billionaire at his Florida country club”

From Russian  6 Oct, 2023.

“Former US President Donald Trump has reportedly been accused of discussing sensitive information about the nation’s nuclear submarines while chatting with an Australian businessman at his Mar-a-Lago country club in Florida.”

“The conversation with billionaire Anthony Pratt occurred in April 2021, three months after Trump left office, and it allegedly included references to how many warheads US submarines carry and how close they can get to a Russian vessel without being detected”

Let me, reiterate, as I have on previous occasions that the President of the United States while in office has to classify or declassify by Supreme Court standard any information that he wants to do it at any time for any reason. This is my understanding.

See additionally from an article that claims that this is all nonsense. No such classified information was revealed to the guest of Donald Trump.


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