Saturday, October 7, 2023


This is coolbert:

“This gun is both a cannon and a mortar, because it can fire both shells and mortar rounds without slowing down,” 

"Russian state defense enterprise Rostec starts supplying Russian troops with mobile self-propelled artillery vehicles Floks"

From | NEWS FROM RUSSIA | 06.10.2023.

"Russian state defense enterprise Rostec sent the first batch of new self-propelled artillery vehicles Floks to the Russian Armed Forces, the company’s press service reported on October 5."

"According to the report, the 120mm caliber self-propelled artillery vehicle is mounted on an off-road vehicle. This allows the unit to quickly change its location. It takes less than a minute to transfer the gun from the marching position to the combat position."

"According to the press service, the self-propelled artillery vehicle is equipped with an armored cabin and ammunition compartment, which provides increased protection for the crew and ammunition during movement."

Floks is the Russian answer to the American Humvee mounted 105 mm howitzer?

Floks at a glance you can easily discern is the SUPERIOR weapon system.

Floks can fire a 120 mm mortar or a conventional 122 mm artillery round.

Floks the vehicle provides protection for the crew and ammunition. Shoot and scoot as an integral unit in a manner the American Hawkeye 105 mm cannot.

Floks the entire system apparently well thought out!


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