Monday, October 9, 2023

Existential II.

This is coolbert:

Copied unashamedly so in entirety from the Peter Grant blog the first paragraph of a recent article. See previous blog entry within context most germane! Existential you the devoted reader to the blog must decide for yourselves.

"Hamas attacks Israel. Is a nuclear war next?"

 From | October 7, 2023.

"By now we've surely all heard about Hamas' attack on Israel.  How they managed to make so many preparations in secret for so long is a question many are asking, and I'm sure there'll be an inquest to end all inquests in Israel in due course.  Be that as it may, Israel has suffered a body blow to its self-image.  The 'proud Jewish state' has been humbled in the eyes of most people in the Middle East, and that's a dangerous thing, because many of them will be tempted to get in on the act.  Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iranian Revolutionary Guards and their proxy forces in Syria, and the Palestinian government of the West Bank are almost certainly gearing up, ready and waiting for their chance to strike.  I'd say things are balanced on a knife-edge right now."

I strongly encourage all readers to the blog to peruse the entire Peter Grant article!


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