Thursday, October 19, 2023


This is coolbert:

Insanity continues!

American stockpiled 155 mm artillery rounds held in storage for contingency to be shipped to Israel. First the Ukrainian, now the Israeli!

Everybody it seems wants some 155 mm!

"Scoop: U.S. to send Israel artillery shells initially destined for Ukraine"

From the article by Barak Ravid.

"The Pentagon plans to send Israel tens of thousands of 155mm artillery shells that had been destined for Ukraine from U.S. emergency stocks several months ago, three Israeli officials with knowledge of the situation tell Axios."

"Why it matters: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Israeli ministry of defense told their U.S. counterparts they urgently need artillery shells to prepare for a ground invasion in Gaza — and a potential escalation of the war by Hezbollah along the Israel-Lebanon border, Israeli officials say."

HEY! What about that ammunition depot of American 155 mm artillery rounds already stored in Israel. Pre-positioned and designated as for use by American troops in case of American involvement in a regional Middle Eastern war. Strictly for American use BUT are on-call for the Israeli if a need exists.

I guess now the need exists. Insanity in that the USA military has little capacity [at this given moment] to replace the expenditure of ammo from stockpiles as compared to production now and in the near future. 

And IF American forces do become involved in "a regional Middle Eastern war exactly where they going to get more ammo?


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