Friday, October 6, 2023


This is coolbert:

“'The bottom of the barrel is now visible,' . . .  'We give away weapons systems to Ukraine, which is great, and ammunition, but not from full warehouses. We started to give away from half-full or lower warehouses in Europe'" -  Adm. Rob Bauer.

Deduction of a genius I am telling you.

"Western ammo stocks at ‘bottom of the barrel’ as Ukraine war drags on, NATO official warns" | Brad Lendon, Radina Gigova, Fred Pleitgen and Kostyantin Gak | CNN |October 4, 2023.

"Western militaries are running out of ammunition to give to Ukraine, NATO and British officials warned Tuesday, as they urged the bloc’s nations to ramp up production to 'keep Ukraine in the fight against Russian invaders.'”


"The developments are troubling news for Ukraine as the war with neighboring Russia is in its 20th month and raises questions over whether Moscow may feel able to outlast western commitment promises."

Not only mere ammunition. The English and Danes having given away ALL their heavy artillery, 155 mm. The French additionally donated to the Ukrainian cause 1/3 of THEIR heavy artillery 155 mm. Increased fabrication of bang-stuff not going to make much of a difference if you don't have the basic weapon system to engage the enemy.

Unless something dramatic happens mass-production of replacement units going to take a long time and expensive!


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