Monday, October 9, 2023


This is coolbert:

"small potatoes: noun plural - A person or thing regarded as unimportant."

Hardly is the man if now captured by Hamas small potatoes!

"Palestinian forces announced the capture of Major General of the Israel Defense Forces"


"According to Hamas, Israeli Defense Forces Major General Nimrod Aloni was captured by Palestinian troops. The Israeli authorities have not yet confirmed the fact of the general’s capture, but Arab media are already publishing a photograph of a captured middle-aged man in shorts and a T-shirt, who looks like a famous Israeli military leader."

"Fifty-year-old Major General Nimrod Aloni once commanded the IDF's Gaza Division, which operated precisely on the border with the Gaza Strip. He led the actions against Palestinian militias. For example, in 2017, Aloni, while still a colonel, commanded an operation in the Ramallah area. He then served as Chief of Staff of the Deep Operations Command."

This General Aloni if indeed captured a high-value target of the greatest significance to Hamas from a variety of angles. * A source of valuable information. * An important bargaining chip. * Propaganda value.


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