Sunday, October 1, 2023


This is coolbert:

"Quoi qu'on fasse, on perd beaucoup de monde" - French General Mangin.

Western military gear to include armor of the tank and infantry fighting vehicle types less than effective in the Ukraine Conflict. 

Western military equipment provided to the Ukrainian found to NOT be the game changer as was thought it might have been.

"Western-made armor isn't working in Ukraine because it wasn't designed for a conflict of this intensity, Ukrainian analyst says"

From | Thibault Spirlet | Sep 28, 2023.

* "Western armor isn't cutting it in Ukraine, a military analyst told The Wall Street Journal."

* "Taras Chmut said Western-made tanks weren't designed for an 'all-out' war of this intensity."

* "Western allies should instead ramp up deliveries of simpler and cheaper systems, he said."

Let me first suggest that Russian armor found to be less than effective too. Seems to be the case across the board. Russian tanks particularly deficient especially with regard to the ammunition carousel in the turret.

A variety of anti-armor weapons as wielded by BOTH sides of the Ukraine Conflict have proven to be quite effective. Javelin, NLAW, various anti-tank guided-missiles and DRONES with shaped-charge anti-armor warhead obliterating vehicles almost with impunity.

Exactly what various "simpler and cheaper systems" as advocated by Taras Chmut that will make a considerable difference I am not sure. Maybe only Taras knows for sure.


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