Tuesday, October 3, 2023

358 IR.

This is coolbert:

Courtesy here the tip from Peet.

The Iranian 358 missile. Loitering and air-breathing air to air missile. Ground launched but not operating in the conventional manner as would an ordinary anti-aircraft missile!

"The 358 is understood to be launched from the ground using a solid-fuel rocket booster, which falls away after it burns out. The missile then transitions to an air-breathing propulsion system, possibly a small turbojet, much like a traditional land-attack or anti-ship cruise missile . . . past reports have said that the 358 further deviates from typical surface-to-air missiles in that is apparently designed to fly at low speed to a specified location and then loiter there until its fuel runs out. 'The weapon flies in a figure-eight pattern and looks for targets,'" 

Iranian 358 missile unconventional but rather innovative even groundbreaking.

"groundbreaking: adjective - introducing new ideas or methods"

"The '358' missile has a solid fuel booster stage for launch. Once launched, the booster will detach and the remainder of the flight will be taken over by the gas turbine engine. Given the performance of the gas turbine, sweep wing design and fuel capacity, the missile would have subsonic performance with long range and endurance. It is suspected that the missile will loiter in a simple flight pattern (e.g. lazy eight) to identify and attack targets of opportunity."

See the wiki entry for a rather abbreviated description of the Iranian 358 missile.

And has reputedly been combat tested. Downed an American drone in Yemeni airspace. 


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