Friday, September 29, 2023


This is coolbert:

"One pill makes you happy, one pill makes you small, and the one that mother gives you doesn't do anything for you at all!"

"The Navy will start randomly testing SEALs and special warfare troops for steroids"

From | September 29, 2023 | LOLITA C. BALDOR The Associated Press.

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Navy will begin randomly testing its special operations forces for steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs beginning in November, taking a groundbreaking step that military leaders have long resisted."

"Rear Adm. Keith Davids, commander of Naval Special Warfare Command, announced the new program Friday in a message to his force, calling it necessary to protect their health and military readiness."

As summarized from The Search Engine: "The most commonly used PEDs are anabolic androgenic steroids, known for their ability to build and strengthen muscle as well as reduce body fat. Forty trainees either tested positive or admitted to using 'steroids or other drugs in violation of Navy regulations.'”

Steroids do work! Allows and individual to build muscle-mass greater and quicker. Gives an advantage to the individual who consumes the drug while engaging in preparation for intense physical activity. A BODYBUILDER favorite.

But can damage the body and cause PSYCHIATRIC problems very negative!

Admittedly the military special operations troop of whatever branch pushing the limits of physical ability. That ideal being someone who has a combination of strength and endurance. Preparation for a program such as SEAL a must but do so drug free!


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