Wednesday, September 27, 2023


This is coolbert:

UNCLASSIFIED. OH, I am glad it is just unclassified. I thought for a moment we were going to another massive classified document scandal to deal with.

"China's Shipbuilding Capacity More Than 200 Times Greater Than US: Leaked Navy Slide"

From | TYLER DURDEN | via J.M.Phelps of The Epoch Times SEP 25, 2023.

"A leaked U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) slide is garnering concern about the Chinese regime’s continued capability to produce naval vessels at an alarmingly faster rate than the United States."

Think not just at an alarming rate. Think at a mind-boggling greater rate!

Click on image to see an enlarged view. Figures from the graphic shocking and stunning both.

Chinese shipbuilding capacity about two-hundred thirty times that of the USA. Chinese have a force also where commercial vessels can serve a dual-purpose [quasi-military] in a traditional sea-power role. 

The Chinese too in time of conflict with USA able to concentrate their naval assets [bolstered by commercial dual-purpose vessels] in one general location, presenting an overwhelming numerical advantage.

“China is a sleeping giant; let him sleep, for if he wakes, he will shake the World.” ― Napoleon.

And remember, only UNCLASSIFIED!


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