Wednesday, September 20, 2023


This is coolbert:

Missing F-35B American warplane has been found! Questions abound! Among them was the onboard computer system hacked!

"Hacked: to get into someone else's computer system without permission in order to find out information or do something illegal"

"New Footage Reveals Wreckage Of F-35 Jet Amidst Speculation Of Potential 'Cyberattack'"

From | article by TYLER DURDEN | TUESDAY, SEP 19, 2023 - 

"New footage shows the wreckage of the missing F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter in Williamsburg County, South Carolina. The F-35's debris field is approximately 80 miles from Joint Base Charleston. The military has confirmed the stealth jet was on autopilot when the pilot ejected, but the reasons for the ejection remain unknown. As a result, aviation commanders have grounded Marine Corps aircraft on Tuesday." 

Further from a tweet by Ian Miles Cheong and thanks to same.


"Green Hills Software produces the Integrity 178B Operating System that powers the F-35, F-22, F-16, and B-2. It also powers the Airbus A380. It was also quite possibly leaked. Now you understand why the entire USMC air fleet has been grounded."

Go see here a much more clear aerial view of the debris field, the F-35B warplane gone-to-ground.


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