Tuesday, September 5, 2023


This is coolbert:

Russian improvised and field expedient methods to protect valuable aircraft from Ukrainian drone attack. Rubber tires?? 

"Satellite Imagery Shows Russian Tu-95 Bomber Covered With Car Tires"

From https://theaviationist.com | September 3, 2023 | the article by DAVID CENCIOTTI.

"Satellite images show that Tu-95 Bear bombers at Engels-2 Air Base have their wings covered with car tires."

"Something interesting is emerging from the analysis of satellite imagery of Engels-2 airbase, located in Saratov Oblast, some 400 km [240 miles] southeast of Moscow and roughly 700 km [420 miles] from the border with Ukraine: at least one Tu-95 Bear strategic bomber appears to have its wings and a small section of the upper fuselage covered with car tires."

"Satellite imagery shows a Tu-95 at Engels-2 airbase covered with tires (Image edited from the satellite image posted by @Tatarigami_UA embedded in the article)"

"While the reason for covering the wings and part of the upper fuselage in this way is not completely clear, the most likely theory is that the car tires are used to protect the valuable bombers from attacks carried out with kamikaze drones. Someone said the rubber tires would be able to * absorb the impact of the remotely piloted vehicle preventing it from exploding upon contact (small/light drones would bounce on the tires and explode at a certain distance from the intended target). Others suggested the car tires would * protect the fuel tanks in the wings from shrapnel of a drone explosion."

The Russian is frightened! Spooked and panicked! Ukrainian drone attacks the various Russian military airfields causing damage very expensive and hard to replace warplanes the Russian can hardly afford to lose. An aspect of the Ukraine Conflict that the Russian NEVER expected to occur.

Engels-2 a considerable distance from the Ukrainian border. Beyond the range of the cardboard drones allegedly and most recently used to attack the Ostrov-5 military airbase.

In warfare, always anticipate the unanticipated? Yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever to infinity! Ignore possible eventualities at your own peril.


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