Saturday, September 2, 2023


This is coolbert:

Recruitment goals for the USA military not being met. A recognized problem for which there seems to be no easy solution.

"The military is running a contest for ideas about improving recruitment"

From "American Thinker" ^ | 2 Sep, 2023 | Andrea Widburg | the tip from Freeper.

"It says a lot that the brains in the Pentagon need to have ideas presented to them when the solutions are so obvious to anyone normal. If you act quickly, you can enter the joint Modern War Institute and US Army Training and Doctrine Command writing contest. The contest wants ideas to solve the military’s recruiting problems. If you can offer a winning solution in no more than 1,500 words, along with abiding with other stylistic guidelines, you’ll get public recognition, and maybe the powers that be will act on what you have to say."

Devoted readers to the blog let me here from you. Rapid fire fashion. I want to hear as many comments as possible about this topic. Suggestions and solutions do-able and do-able now. Needed quick. 

All devoted readers to the blog consider that without any sense of braggadocio I might like think of myself as being a clearinghouse in this matter of recruitment ideas.

"clearinghouse: noun - broadly : an informal channel for distributing information or assistance"


1 comment:

  1. See this Internet article:
