Thursday, September 14, 2023


This is coolbert:

Alert Sebastopol! Damage done. Russian naval assets the Black Sea once more hurt.

British Storm Shadow missiles to blame?

1. "Kiev uses British missiles Storm Shadow to attack Sevastopol shipyard — Sky News"

From | Russian controlled Internet media TASS.

"As the Russian Defense Ministry said earlier, Ukraine’s ten cruise missiles attacked a shipyard in Sevastopol at night. Seven were intercepted by air defense systems"

"LONDON, September 13. /TASS/. British-made Storm Shadow cruise missiles were used by Ukraine in an attack on the Ordzhonikidze shipyard in Sevastopol, the Sky News TV channel said with reference to Western and Ukrainian officials."

Evidently two Russian warships in DRYDOCK hit and damaged by ensuing fire. One submarine and one surface vessel.

According to the Ukrainian the Crimea not an integral part of Russia proper. Crimea illegally occupied by Russian military forces. Attacking the Russian military Crimea seen as fair game by the Ukrainian.

2. "Russian Ships Damaged in Sevastopol Missile Attack to Be Repaired"

From Sputnik International | 13.09.2023.

"MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Two Russian navy ships damaged in a Ukrainian missile attack on Sevastopol on Wednesday will be fully repaired, the Defense Ministry said. [Russian MoD]"

"'Two naval vessels, which were damaged by a missile attack of the Kiev regime on 13 September, undergoing scheduled repairs at the ship repair plant named after S. Ordzhonikidze in Sevastopol, will be fully restored and will continue their combat service as part of their fleets,' the ministry said in a statement.

See additionally the recent capture of the Boyko Towers by Ukrainian military. Vital [how vital I am not sure] infrastructure the Black Sea now denied to the Russian. More egg on face the Russian.

"egg on one's face: means appearing foolish, usually because something one said would happen has not happened. It implies making an embarrassing error or blunder"

Comrade Russian, what is happening?


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