Thursday, September 7, 2023


This is coolbert:


"Eight wounds sustained by Alexander the Great."

Thanks to the graphic from

The senior military commander comporting himself in a courageous manner on the battlefield, leading from the front, exposing himself to enemy weaponry. Wounded on a number of occasions, resolved nonetheless returning to the fray without hesitation.

As from the era of the ancients Alexander the Great.

Military commanders of the caliber as Alexander in the modern era, wounded repeatedly but "returning to the fray without hesitation" a topic of previous blog entries here and here and listed to include:

* Adrian Carton de Wiart.

* Hyazinth von Strachwitz.

* Oskar Dirlewanger.

* Robert Frederick.

* Bernard Freyberg.

Devoted readers to the blog and readers perusing in much more casual manner can suggest additional names, persons of valor?


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