Sunday, August 6, 2023


This is coolbert:

American F-14 Tomcat air superiority fighter plane versus Soviet era analog. No comparison! When the rubber hits the road as they say.

Someone confirm or deny?

"Saddam's Trick; How the Iraqi Leader Grounded the Elite of Iran’s Air Force with Rumors and Suspicion"

From Military Watch Magazine Editorial Staff | September-9th-2019.

Read not so much the deception. Rather read the extract.

As extracted from the article:

"These were the first fourth generation aircraft to enter service anywhere in the world outside the United States, and against Iraq's vast fleet of lighter and less sophisticated second and third generation platforms they gave Iran a distinct advantage. During the war, despite a crippling lack of spare parts and ammunition due to the American arms embargo, Iran's few serviceable F-14s downed over 160 Iraqi Iraqi aircraft - enjoying considerable advantages over jets such as the Mirage F1, MiG-23 and MiG-21 which formed the bulk of the Iraqi fleet. By contrast only three F-14s were lost in air to air combat air, reflecting the extreme discrepancy between their capabilities and those the Iraqis fielded."


Even within context of the F-14 being a 4th generation combat fighter warplane and those Iraqi fighter jets either being 3rd generation or 3rd generation plus the "kill ratio" 50:1 in favor of the Iranian just seems to be too good!

F-14 with the superior radar, fire control and long-range Phoenix missile more than anything else the active components responsible for the disparity here?

Again, anyone can confirm or deny?


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