Thursday, August 24, 2023


This is coolbert:

At least from my perspective the madness continues. Front-line and vital military hardware donated by constituent nations of the NATO alliance to Ukraine a demonstration altruistic and in good faith but reckless and foolhardy at the same. 

First heavy artillery and now combat warplanes!

 "Reports: NATO-member Norway Follows the Netherlands, Denmark to Donate F-16 Fighters to Ukraine"

 From | the article by SIMON KENT|24 Aug 2023 the tip from Mihash.

"Numerous reports Thursday said NATO-member Norway has rushed to follow the Netherlands and Denmark to donate U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine."

Dutch donated F-16 according to various web sites probably will not arrive until the end of 2024? That makes sense. You need to train pilots and ground crews, obtain many COMEX full of spare parts, etc. 

And will those planes even make a difference can reasonably be asked?

"Top Ukraine General Blames Counteroffensive Struggles on Lack of Western Fighter Jets and Weapons"

That breakthrough grand spring/summer offensive of the Ukrainian running into determined Russian resistance. According to Colonel Austin Bay such a combined-arms offensive can ONLY succeed if a strong air force a "major component" supporting the ground forces.

Read the entire Austin Bay article the Ukrainian spring/summer counter-offensive his observations and comments.


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