Tuesday, August 22, 2023


This is coolbert:

Australia, United Kingdom, United States [AUKUS] all in unison the Far East. British, Japan, Italy [GCAP] the Far East also!

Think Tempest 6th generation fighter plane.

1. "AUKUS and GCAP set new Indo-Pacific security template"

From https://asia.nikkei.com | story by Alessio Patalano | March 28, 2023.

"Technology cooperation more than a response to China's military modernization"


"Later the same week, British, Japanese and Italian defense ministers met in Tokyo to set plans for jointly developing a sixth-generation fighter jet in what is now known as the Global Combat Air Program (GCAP)."

The sixth generation air superiority/supremacy fighter warplane. Stealth/AI/directed energy. GCAP a collective effort to design such a warplane. The combat aviators delight and must be so for decades to come.

2. "UK industry to play key role in new Global Combat Air Program, delivering next phase of combat air fighter jet development"

From https://www.baesystems.com | 9 Dec 2022.

"The UK’s sovereign industry partners, under Team Tempest, will support the significant endeavor announced today by the Governments of the UK, Japan and Italy, which will see the three nations build a truly international program, with a shared ambition to develop a next generation [6th] fighter aircraft under a new Global Combat Air Program (GCAP)."

ONLY very vaguely was I aware of GCAP. Beyond a conception phase now, development going to take a long time and even longer before such a warplane takes to the air. Hey, no one ever said any of this was going to be easy!


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