Saturday, August 12, 2023


This is coolbert:

The bite of the beast is most terrible. And no, they are not cute and cuddly little animals.

More animal stuff.

The saltwater crocodile! Mr. Salty is not your friend!

"Australian soldiers attacked by crocodile after military 'failed to conduct risk assessment'"

    From | the story by Andrea Hamblinn | IN MELBOURNE | 11 August 2023. 

"Defense department is charged with breaching work health and safety law and faces huge fine after servicemen suffered ‘significant injuries’"

Risk assessment an attack from a salty the northern area of Australia I assume 100 % danger almost 100 % of the time. Risk not worth a swim ever.

"The Australian military should have performed a risk assessment on the dangers of swimming in crocodile habitats before two servicemen were attacked in far north Queensland, an inquiry has found."

"Australia’s Department of Defense faces a AUD $1.5 million (£770,000) fine and is charged with breaching federal work health and safety laws, two years after one of the soldiers was 'death-rolled' by an eight-foot-long saltwater crocodile."


* Death roll: "Crocodiles death roll to dismember their prey and break it into smaller pieces. Chunks of the prey fall off and make it easier for the crocodiles to swallow."

* This incident became a workplace issue? Australian military fined for insufficient "risk assessment" to personnel in the field.

* Providing protection from predator attack a primary [?] mission of the Canadian Rangers of the Far North. The threat to troops in the field the great white bear of the north, the polar bear.

* Read of the Ramree crocodile massacre [controversial]. Burma, 1945. 


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