Wednesday, August 30, 2023


This is coolbert:


Ukrainian drones as attacking multiple targets in Russia proper and all on the same day were launched from NATO territory. The Baltic nations [which exactly not mentioned] are to blame! Russian anger great. This could present a rationale for a widening of the Ukraine Conflict onto NATO territory.

From a Ukrainian OSINT [open source intelligence] tweet the pronouncement of the Russian!

* OSINT (Uri) πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

* @UKikaski

"Russian media regarding the drone strike on the Pskov airbase in Russia:

If it turns out that they (the drones) were launched from the Baltics, this will change the entire political landscape, because this is direct aggression. This can become a signal that will lead to cardinal changes in our behavior on the borders with the Baltic states and in general with respect to these countries. If this is recorded and proven, I do not rule out that there will be a military response. But for this, of course, very clear and obvious evidence is needed." - Head of the State Duma Control Committee, Oleg Morozov.

This is the airfield Pskov actually under attack? Looks like something really big detonated with perhaps a lot of damage. See the entire video for yourself.

Ostrov-5 the Russian military airfield Pskov. Ostrov-5 now reputed according to the wiki entry the home base of a Russian army aviation brigade.

OH, I'm telling you people, beware!


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